
Understand coderefs! (Subroutine references.) Re-read chapter 4 of Programming Perl, 2nd-edition or chapter 8 of Programming Perl, 3rd-edition.
Using make_treewalker() and walk_tree() as a template, create an infinite list of integers, such that:
for (my $l = make_infinite_list(0); ; $l = $l->[1]->()) {
  print $l->[0] . ", ";
Will print '0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...' off to infinity. Can you improve on the interface?
Download and examine the module ExtUtils-MakeMaker. See how it is packaged and what files are created when it is built.
Understand each line and construct in the guestbook demo program. If anything is not understood, send an email to me for clarification.
Look up the module Data::Dumper. Use it to test nested data structures and references.
In class we wrote a function that takes a Perl representation of HTML and converted it back to HTML. Let us call this function perl_to_html(). However, this function has at least one bug: HTML elements such as code, img, and meta cannot be closed with </tag>. Fix this.
Write the reciprical function to perl_to_html(): write a function html_to_perl() that consumes a string that is valid HTML and returns our Perl representation of the HTML. Feed the output of html_to_perl() into perl_to_html() and see how the string input and output match.
For a refresher: given <p class="messy">Foo <strong>bar</strong><p> , we get in Perl [ "p", { class => "messy" }, "Foo ", [ "strong", "bar" ] ] .
Read up on code references, closures, infinite lists, lazy evaluation, dispatch tables, and function prototypes.


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Advanced Perl Programming

Mike Burns <mike@mike-burns.com>